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AMOS_v.23.exe - IBM SPSS Amos 23
Build structural equation models with more accuracy than standard multivariate statistics models using intuitive drag-and-drop functionality IBM® SPSS® Amos gives you the power to easily perform structural equation modeling (SEM). Using SEM, you can quickly create models to test hypotheses and confirm relationships among observed and latent variables - moving beyond regression to gain additional insight. Structural equation modeling (SEM) can take your research to the next level When you conduct research, you're probably already using factor and regression analyses in your work. Structural equation modeling (sometimes called path analysis) can help you gain additional insight into causal models and explore the interaction effects and pathways between variables. SEM lets you more rigorously test whether your data supports your hypothesis. You create more precise models - setting your research apart and increasing your chances of getting published. IBM SPSS Amos is the perfect modeling tool for a variety of purposes, including: • Psychology - Develop models to understand how drug, clinical, and art therapies affect mood • Medical and healthcare research - Confirm which of three variables - confidence, savings, or research - best predicts a doctor's support for prescribing generic drugs • Social sciences - Study how socioeconomic status, organizational membership, and other determinants influence differences in voting behavior and political engagement • Educational research - Evaluate training program outcomes to determine impact on classroom effectiveness • Market research - Model how customer behavior impacts new product sales or analyze customer satisfaction and brand loyalty • Institutional research - Study how work-related issues affect job satisfaction • Business planning - Create econometric and financial models and analyze factors affecting workplace job attainment • Program evaluation - Evaluate program outcomes or behavioral models using SEM to replace traditional stepwise regression
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Programmed & Designed by Constantine Aygi |